Here's a little bit of info about the two songs currently listed under the "Music of the Moment" feature:
Rufus Wainwright -
Go or Go Ahead: This is by far the best song off his new release "Want One". It has sort of an epic feel like that of a majestic classic rock song. It sounds somewhat Beatle-esque in a way. Maybe a little of an Elton John feel as well. In the latter part of the song as the music picks up it gets more current sounding, like that of a "Bendz" era
Radiohead or an "Urban Hymns" era
Verve tune. A damn fine song.
Dishwalla -
Angels or Devils (live): This could be one of the best live acoustic renditions of a song ever. I know that as a bold statement, but give it a listen. JR Richards voice is crystal clear and right on over the simple piano that carries the melody. He hits every note to perfection, possibly even better than the studio version with the entire band. Simply put....Beautiful.