Wow, two politically inspired posts in a row!! And after this one
Liam is going to want to shoot me in the kidneys with his potato gun.
This article basically sums up all the "not so hot" statistics that the Bush administration has racked up since they have been in office. This one
here is the infamous "Would you hire this man?" George W. Bush resume. Now before any of you jump down my throat on this one, I will admit that the first article is from a UK news source and that the second one is an editorial from a liberal website. I'm sure that a few of those stats may be false, exaggerated, or simply misleading (even though the UK article does list references). Think about it though, if even half of those statements are true, that's pretty damn sad. I won't say anymore (unless my comment link malfunctions from the high amount of negative feedback). Until then I'll let you draw your own conclusions.