How unexpected, our great and wonderful leader now wants to
legislate discrimination! One step closer to the gas chambers eh?
Bush wants to now pass a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. Whether or not you agree or disagree with homosexuality, this is not a decision the government should make for people.
Bush said that allowing gays to marry would change the meaning of marriage forever. Really? I always thought marriage was simply about two people being in love enough to pledge their lives to one another? Only religion defines it as between a man and a woman. So now we are going to mandate religious doctrine into our laws? Marriage practices (other than for tax reasons) have always been purely religious in nature. For that reason alone the government should stay the fuck out of this. Not to mention that they are going to flat out pass a law that inhibits the rights of particular citizens based solely on a lifestyle choice. These people aren't hurting anyone, so why does anyone even give a shit? Who cares what two men or women that you don't even know much less associate with do with their private life. How in anyway does this affect what marriage means? Are married men and women going to start loving each other less because gay people can get married? Is it going to make what emotional bonds they have fall apart? Of course not.
The laws of this country are created (or should be created) to protect the "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness (or translated, the pursuit of ownership of land and material goods)" of other people. Creating a law like this not only does not hold true to that premise, it goes against it entirely. Our culture is becoming more homogenized by the minute and a hundred years from now when racism, sexism, and stereotypes start becoming a thing of history, this will stand out as one of the biggest black marks against social progress in the history of our country.
If you really want to "preserve the sanctity of marriage" let's take a look at things like passing laws against adultery. Think that would fly? I guess gay people are the reason why the divorce rate in this country is above 50% huh? Looks like that whole "sanctity of marriage" thing isn't really that important to the general public anyway. As heterosexuals, we've already discredited the value of marriage in society to something almost disposable. Think the gays can do any worse? If this is what America is coming too,.... I'm moving to Canada.