I heard on
KMOX the other evening that Missouri lawmakers are finally going to attempt to do something productive about the insane amount of large trucks on our highways. Apparently, Missouri accounts for close to 4% of all accidents involving large cargo trucks in the continental U.S. This can most easily be explained by the fact that we have three major interstate highways that run through the state (70, 44, & 55), and simply our geographical location and status as a major river port city. Regardless, something needs to be done. As much as I work with trucks on a regular basis here at the old place of employment, I hate driving anywhere near them. They clog up traffic when they drive next to one another, they take up too much space in the lanes and often cross over the lines, they block your field of vision (especially in the rain), etc, etc. I could go on forever. I do however understand how hard it is to drive a truck and am completely aware of "driving near trucks etiquette". This doesn't necessarily mean that truck drivers ever adhere to any sort of driving etiquette though. I haven't heard exactly what they are planning on doing just yet, but here are a couple of suggestions they made:
1. Lower the speed limit for trucks on the highway to 50 MPH. (Bad idea, this would just create more frustrated drivers to cause accidents)
2. Not allow trucks to ever drive in the left lane on highways with three lanes or more. (Excellent idea! This should have been the case since the first semi hit the road)
3. Not allow trucks to pass though the interior highways (inside the highway 270/255 circle for example) of major cites (St. Louis and KC) during business hours (7am - 6pm) unless they have a destination within that city. (Go for it, the less trucks during rush hour, the better)
4. They also suggested adding amending the written drivers test to include a whole section on "safety when driving near large vehicles". For instance, questions about the "no zone", truck braking distances, etc.
Whatever they do, I'm glad they are at least thinking about doing something. BTW,
Liam if you still have the link to that article written by the former trucker about truck safety, post it in the comments section if you get a chance.