Quarter Life Crisis
New RAM in the Mix
I finally got the correct type of RAM for my old, slow ass computer here at work. It's a HP Pavilion, 500 MHz Pentium III that was running Windows 98 and is now running Windows 2000 Pro (I upgraded the OS about 2 years ago). When it was purchased, it only had 64 MB of RAM in it. Now, six years later, it's maxed out at 384 MB which means that it's still slower than hell. At least now it's less slow. Funny thing is, out of all the computers that we have here (all of which are newer than mine), mine is the only one that consistently runs perfect. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that I'm the only one here that knows anything about how to take care of a PC.
By the way.... I was wondering if anyone out there knew where to find some RAM that was more challenging to install. You know, cause shoving a delicate computer chip with all your force behind it into a slot only 2 mm wide that you can't even see at the back of a dark computer while your hand is contorted in such ways that it starts to look like a pretzel is just way to fucking easy.