Happy Festikaquanmas... with many pretty lights!
In case you don't quite get that word up there, it's
Festivus (I know you've seen that episode of Seinfeld), Hannu
Quanza, and Christ
mas. Oh, and
the lights thing, that's in recognition of the pagan "Festival of Lights" holiday which was celebrated long before Christians decided to plop Jesus's birthday right on top of that "garsh darn heathen holiday". It's honestly where we get Christmas trees and candles in the window to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Pagans were using it as a call to the gods to basically bring back the sun (it was most likely originally celebrated around Dec 21st or 22nd near the winter solstice, the shortest amount of sunlight of the year. Anyway, not trying to be a scrooge. Even though I'm an Agnostic, I still believe in the spirit of the season... peace, love, fellowship, giving, etc. So here's to you and yours! Cheers!
(Happy that I posted now everyone?)