Last year about this same time I posted my
Top Ten Things I Love About Spring. I swore at the end of that post that someday when I was in a pissy mood, I post about the things I hated most about spring. So, since I'm sick and stuck inside, here's the
yin to last years
The Top 10 Things I Hate About Spring
- Carpenter Bees (see post)
- Loud Motorcycles
- The NBA playoffs
- Allergies!
- Cutting the m@ther-f*cking grass
- Listening to the loud shitty music high school kids play in their cars
- NASCAR season starts
- Spring turns to summer, and summer gets HOT!
- People that do yard work before 11 AM on the weekends
- Busy season at work
Ok so it's not as strong a list as last years was. But it shouldn't be. Spring is a damn fine time of year. And by the way in case you were wondering, I did make those 8 boxes of Thin Mints last... all the way till my new ones arrived two weeks ago.