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Quarter Life Crisis

Friday, December 05, 2003
After passing out on the couch a few days ago, I woke up to find an old episode of Jerry Springer running on the tube. I ended up watching most of the rest of the episode which happened to be about trust and loyalty among this particular circle of friends. Externally everyone seemed to be getting along quite alright but internally, people were talking behind their friends backs, spreading rumors, getting involved in other peoples personal business and causing all sorts of unnecessary drama (which is the basis for most Springer episodes). On the show, a bunch of that shit all came out in the open and it got pretty ugly. I'm just glad that I have a group of friends that love and care for each other and wouldn't do anything like that. We got rid of that element of drama from our group of friends a long time ago and I'm glad it's gone. I know now that none of my friends would ever spread rumors about me or talk about me behind my back. I'm also glad that my friends are all so trustworthy and loyal and would never do things like reveal personal information about me to other people, or stick their nose into my personal business when it doesn't involve them and they know absolutely nothing about what is really going on. I think most of my friends are mature enough and smart enough now to think about all the possible consequences of their actions before they just jump the gun and start meddling in shit that they shouldn't be. I also would like to believe that if someone has a problem or concern with something related to me, that they would be adult enough to confront me personally about the problem rather than to discuss it with all of my other friends first. Like I said, it's been a while since we've had that sort of a problem among our friends, but who knows, I'm sure it's bound to happen again at some point.......

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